20 January 2008

My Letter to you !

Dear Aryan,
You are 1.5 years old today...these 18 months were like a dream for us. A little life blossomed into a flower in our hands without our own realization. I can still remember how I was scared to hold you in my hands , for the fear of hurting your soft bones. And how I did not know , how to burp you when you used to cry. And how to hold you to bath.

Time has passed.And it seems like in friction of seconds you have grown upto a BIG Naughty boy.Its seems like some magic to see you achieve one milestone after another.Now that you have twelve little teeth , I cannot imagine how there was none one day.Now that you walk , I cannot imagine how we waited for you to turn , to roll , to sit and to crawl.

Your unconditional love has made our lives more beautiful.I cannot write in words , what I feel , when you sleep peacefully in my lap , when you hold my hand and place it on your cheek or forehead , when you suddenly give a peck on my cheek , when you shower me with loads of kisses and when you suddenly cuddle to me.
We never realized since when we started loving you. Probably much before you were born. But I cannot describe, how I feel when you are not too well and when you get up at midnight for the pain in your budding tooth. We share the responsibilty to shape up your life , which will form from the habits that you develop today. Each day , we have moments which make us feel satisfied and the ones which make us wonder , if we are doing all good.
But then , I think thats the part of this parenting game. I am out of words dear ...Just want to say ...Mumma Papa love you Beta.
Yours Mumma.