15 March 2009

Haircut and Chocolates !

Aryan used to always cry at the haircuts. So much so that sometimes I used to sit with him on my lap for getting his hair cut. The hair dresser used to give him an eclairs or a small perk every time to calm him down. During the first 2 times he did not know what a chocolate was and just grabbed them as a toy. Then he maturedto realize how yummy are these chocolates. So he realized that haircuts are good times when you get chocolates without asking for them.

And yesterday was the first time he had a haircut happily! Without a frown or cry. But then no chocolate was offered...hehehe! That was only for crying kids. So what!!, he cried after the haircut asking for chocolate and since papa was also having a haircut and we needed to stay there , the hair dresser gave him an eclairs :D

Now I wonder, if he learnt the trick and will cry next time again while getting his hair cut :D


  1. Hahahaha! Too cute.

    Since there is a grocer's shop nearby the saloon we go to, Anirudh automatically walks off to that shop to buy something the moment we step out of the saloon. :)

    So to answer your question, he will cry if he doesn't get chocolate :)

  2. so sweet! I think he should have got one even before he cried, for being so good. :D

  3. :)

    he is looking so grown up and at the same time so babyish! you know what i mean! :D


  4. Aryan is a good boy... know what... I had to chased around before I could get a haircut when I was this age... I used to cover my ears and cry cos I was afraid the barber wud cut 'em accidently...

  5. So cute Baby. so nice of you for sharing this with us.
