29 July 2007

Where are your Hair ??

Sometime back I wrote how Aryan is busy counting my hair these days.So his target is yet not achieved.Today I tied my hair in slightly different manner , made a bun using a clutcher.

Aryan was so surprised looking at me. I took him in my lap and he peeped from left and from right. And then he looked at me with an question mark on his face , as if "Where are your hair Mumma ?" In reply, I smiled at him ...and he also smiled back and peeped again from left and then right. His expression was like .."Where the hell they are and why is she smiling ?"

25 July 2007

An Obedient Grand Child

Few days back my father called up to speak to Aryan.I usually keep the mobile on speaker and Aryan holds it in his hands and replies (in his own code words) to whatever my papa says .During his last visit papa taught him to do "HARE RAMA HARE KRISHNA" in a special way. So Papa tells him .."Aryan do HARE RAMA HARE KRISHNA" and he drops off the mobile and goes "huuuaaa...".The mobile broke open and got switched off . I called up my father later to tell him what an obedient grand child he has got!!

24 July 2007

Chal Meri Gaddi..Chuk Chuk Chuk

Aryan enjoy's gift from Taiji and Tauji.Pics taken in Bangalore on 24th July, 2007.

"See my Engine :) "

"WOW it has an Steering too ! "

"Me going for a ride"

Editted to Add : I got a call from Aryan's tai ji after she read this post. She informed me that the gift is not from them but only and only from Aryan's cousin (their 3 years old son).

22 July 2007

Happy Birthday to Dear ARYAN !!

Is that Noddy or Aryan smiling on the cake ??
Desmond's Bangalore, 21st July 2007

Isn't that YUMMY!!!
Desmond's Bangalore, 21st July 2007

All of them came to wish ME!
Desmond's Bangalore, 21st July 2007

19 July 2007

Invitation to say Happy Birthday !

I've had twelve months
to learn and play and grow
Now I'm turning one...
Look at me go!

Aryan completes first year on 21st July.Here is the Invite to a small get together that we will have. Phone number and address have been masked for privacy issues.

18 July 2007

Aaa Paa Paa

Aryan has Mumma and Papa days.So for one week he would be a Mumma's boy and for another Papa's.

These days its papa's turn. Yesterday was heights. He refused to come to me for eating and sleeping too. He ate , sitting in his father's lap. While one bed , Anupam went out of the room to fetch some water and got stuck , talking to his parents.So, Aryan forgot to sleep and calls his papa like "Aaaa Paa paa Aaaa paa paaa", till papa was back.

17 July 2007

Our Little Musician

After dholak player, presenting the famous pianoist.

At Home,Bangalore, 2nd July, 2007

Oh ..he can play even while lying down :D

At Home,Bangalore, 2nd July, 2007

Prankster Mood

At Home , Bangalore, 5th July, 2007

At Home , Bangalore, 5th July, 2007

AT Home ,Bangalore,7th July, 2007

AT Home ,Bangalore,7th July, 2007

AT Home ,Bangalore,7th July, 2007

13 July 2007

Proud and Smiling Mommy

Its second week of his day care.Admist of all the adjustment issues and seperation anxiety that Aryan and his parents are going through, our prince brings some smiles to us.

Tuesday, my little prince bids a bye to me with a smile...a smile as in a BIG SMILE !! Aaah ! Could not forget that one till this moment.Thats a different story that the very next day , he refused to sit in car seat and cried all through the way.

Yesterday , he was complimented by the care taker , as in the smartest kid she has seen.I do not know if that was exaggeration , but then you know I am not a pessimist..;-)..hehehe. She said, he saw your car from the window and could recognize it and thats way too much for a kid of his age.Well , is that not enough to make me feel proud and smile.

Best Posed !

Two of my all time favourites. Thanks to a potholes on the road , that these went hazy , but these are his best posed pics , if not best clicked. Ohh..I love this toothy smile !!

Bangalore,9th March, 2007

Bangalore,9th March, 2007

4 July 2007

Experimenting with Sketches

Found the link from Kodimeow Knronicles and so thought of experimenting with two of my faviourite pics.. :)

Code word conversation

A code word conversation between Mumma and Her baby , before each sleep.

Baby : "uhh ?"
Mumma : "uuuh."
Baby :"uuh :)"
Mumma : "uuuh :)"
Baby : "uh" (...with force)
Mumma : "uh" (...with force)
Baby : "hay hay" (laugh)
Mumma : "hay hay" (laugh)
Mumma : "Bus beta ..so jao."
Baby : "uuh."

Baby sleeps happily.

3 July 2007


Aryan does so much every day and each evening I have so mant incidents to blog , but by the time I am blogging I forget most of them.Just now as I was usually checking mad momma , her latest post reminded me one.When Aryan is very happy,active and naughty mood , he goes like "Puurrrrrrrrr..Puuurrrrrrrrrr" and all his face and mine and whoever is near by is sprayed..:D

At Home,Bangalore,2nd July, 2007

Hehehehe...I try so much to tell him not to do that and divert his attention , but I hardly succeed. I don't feel like scolding him , coz I know thats one of his ways of expressing his happiness.Don't feel like scolding him in that masti mood , coz he hardly understands whats wrong in doing that.

2 July 2007

Mimickery Artist

You know we have a little mimickery artist in making.He used to mimick laughing from a long time. These days he mimicks everything.My Papa's snoring is his favourite and you can ask him any time , "Nanu Kaise Sote Hai .." and he goes "uaaah uaah" (something of that sort..)Then he mimicks my mummy's coughing and that has also become a game now ..Ask him how does a old man coughs ..and he will let you know .."Khoo Khoo".And when he cries without reason and I mimick his crying ..he suddenly laughs .. :)

But there is another point I realized ..these kids will learn whatever they want ..since so long I have been telling him certain words and how dog barks and many more things , but he has not picked up any and he picks up Papa's snoring and Mummy's coughing , just in a day ..:D

Expression of Love !

Not that before my previous post, I had a doubt about my son's love for me.He has expressed that often to me in his own different ways.

Smiling with a big grin and cuddling me before sleep are old stories ,sometimes he will hold my cheeks in his palms.Sometimes he will pull my cheeks.I am the most prefered one for his kisses.In fact quite lately he kissed only me.Though now he kiss others too , but then they just keep wishing for it for days and I am the lucky one , who gets atleast one every day.(Kissing means only laying his lips on my cheeks with his mouth open wide..thats his way you see !!)

Quite recently though , his expression of love has been terrifying for me.This expression of love is probably coupled with making use of his brand new upper teeth.. :D. He bites me , wherever he can and whenever he can.And he takes the thinnest of my skins.It hurts like someone is pinching and makes me shout and cry.Cheeks and shoulders are favourite spots, but legs were also not spared.

Don't know whats next !!

Mug Designs - Aryan gifted these to Nanu Nani

He Loves Me :)

Friday, I got late from office.I am usually home by 6.30 PM but that day it was 8.15 PM.Anupam came back by 6.30 PM, to fill the gap for Aryan.My parents were also there. But when I was back , I was told that Aryan was restless throughout and he was looking at the door every few minutes.As Anupam opened the door to me , he came to me from Anupam's lap with a smile and then he looked into my eyes , made a BAD (the corners of his turned down and raised eyebrows) face and cried.He was literally complaining with his typical complaining expression.I took me 5 minutes to pacify him , with lots of kissing , hugging and saying sorry.

Its amazing, how he makes me feel so special at times,by letting me know that he loves me and needs me , despite of everyone else and that I mean so much to him.