2 July 2007

He Loves Me :)

Friday, I got late from office.I am usually home by 6.30 PM but that day it was 8.15 PM.Anupam came back by 6.30 PM, to fill the gap for Aryan.My parents were also there. But when I was back , I was told that Aryan was restless throughout and he was looking at the door every few minutes.As Anupam opened the door to me , he came to me from Anupam's lap with a smile and then he looked into my eyes , made a BAD (the corners of his turned down and raised eyebrows) face and cried.He was literally complaining with his typical complaining expression.I took me 5 minutes to pacify him , with lots of kissing , hugging and saying sorry.

Its amazing, how he makes me feel so special at times,by letting me know that he loves me and needs me , despite of everyone else and that I mean so much to him.


  1. It surely is such an awesome feeling when you know that you baby who can't speak as yet is conversing with you in his own ways - complaining to you, raving about something or just being pure affectionate.

    And the pleasure just doubles up when they start using words to add to these expressions.

    Lately whenever Betu is in cuddly mood, he will come to me, pull my cheeks and call my "Cheekooo!" :D

    Its been almost 3 weeks since he started doing it, and I still don't know if I should stop him doing so or not. And if I should stop, what do I say why he can't do it?

  2. Ohh ..Good that he just pulls your cheeks ..my boy will bite me hard , wherever he can , when he feels love for me and my shoulder and cheeks are faviourites , though once it was my leg too.

    Sometimes , he does hold my cheeks in both his hands too.

    BTW ..I am the most privelaged one , who gets a kiss from him most often and can tease everyone else for this... :)

  3. this is such a beautiful post. It made my heary heavy. Bless you both!
